
February 6, 2017

Root Cause Analysis for Diagnosing Issues with CRM Initiatives

Rely on the techniques of Root cause Analysis and ask ‘why’ enough number of times to arrive at the real reasons for failures of CRM issues. Do not take hunches and hypotheses at face value.
February 6, 2017

Align your CRM Strategy to the Organization’s Mission

Align your CRM initiative to the context of the organization's mission, purpose, what it does and how it strives to be unique in the eyes of its customers.
February 6, 2017

Organizational Internal Analysis for Strengths & Weaknesses

The internal analysis assesses your ability to perform well in response to business challenges. This points to your strengths and weaknesses as an organization. We were […]
February 6, 2017

Stakeholder Power-Interest Grid

The Power-Interest Grid where you map power and influence of the stakeholder on the project is an excellent pointer to how actively to manage them and what to anticipate in terms of their attitude to the system.
February 5, 2017

Include User Adoption in the charter of the Salesforce Center of Excellence (COE)

Staff the COE with specialists for focusing on user adoption. User Training, Communication Plans and Business Process Improvements are areas that they could champion
February 5, 2017

Analyzing the Business Environment to Understand Strategic Context

Study the environment of the organization to understand and determine the customer strategy to pursue. Each organization operates within an operating environment and a more remote […]
February 5, 2017

Business Analysis vs. Systems Analysis (WHAT vs. HOW) for the CRM project

Business Analysis identifies what it takes the business to evolve from its current state to an aspired one. Systems Analysis on the other hand, directly addresses the requirements of systems being developed.
February 5, 2017

Strategic Context for the CRM project

Your CRM project is conceptualized in the context of your organization’s customer strategy. It is important for the implementers to grasp and fully appreciate this context
February 4, 2017

The Salesforce CRM Project Types

Your Salesforce CRM project may be one of several types. ‘Build from Scratch’',• Automation of manual CRM process, Migrations, Enhancements and re-designing current processes