The Varasi Difference: Competencies That Define Us


In this article, I wanted to go over what we think of as the Varasi differentiators and the competencies that we think earn us the high CSAT scores from our customers. 

These four elements that I cover have come from feedback from customers, as well as introspection that we ourselves do all the time to figure out those competencies that we need to get better at, all the time. 

You can also explore these competencies in this video.

The Varasi Competencies

Account Research  

The diligence and the analysis that goes into understanding the fundamentals of our customers’ business as well as the nuances of their business.  We take this seriously because we come from the belief that the sales force implementation success largely depends on how well the product out of the box is customized, configured and integrated into the client’s unique business environment and fits with the client’s unique business processes. 

Scoping and Proposals

The second element is the and closely following the first is the diligence and the preparation that goes into our discovery and scoping calls,  the quality of the proposals that we put together, the diligence that goes into estimating the project timelines and the work effort involved.  

These two elements that I’ve covered so far belong to the pre-sales or the sales engineering aspects of our work. The next two elements I wanted to cover are those belonging more to the solution delivery aspects of our work. 

Iterative Development 

We’ve come to believe after years of working in the software services industry that it’s important to engage with the super users representing the users early on, right from day one of the project.  We show early glimpses of the pros of the solution even as we are developing it and encourage the super users to change their minds about the stated requirements if that needs to be done.  It is often that the tacit requirements, the more hidden requirements surface only when the super users are able to see some early demos and early glimpses of the solution as it’s getting developed. 

Predictable Spend 

We make ourselves a predictable spend for our customers and this comes from a mindset that we are joint stakeholders and joint owners of the commitments that the client executives that we are working with, have made internally within their organizations,  so far as the timelines and the budgets for the sales force implementation is concerned. 

These are the four competencies that have surfaced for us as ones we should continuously strive to become better and better at in order to earn high CSAT scores from our customers. Hope these four competencies strike a chord with you as well. 

Ramana Metlapalli
Ramana Metlapalli
Ramana is a Managing Principal at Varasi. Ramana is a lifelong learner and eternally curious about what goes into making some individuals and organizations, high performance ones. He writes about Business Analysis, Salesforce best practices and the world of Consulting.