Differentiating Our Client Engagement Model: The Varasi Way


In this article, I want to go over what is different about the way we engage with our customers and contrast it with some of the more common client engagement models that Consulting teams may have. You can also watch about engagement model in this video.

When it comes to collaboration between clients and consultants there is a gamut of options and possibilities out there. On one end, you have the staff augmentation model where the customer is looking for a specific set of skills to augment the current Salesforce implementation team in place. 

Close to this model, is the block of hours model wherein the client is looking for a specific number of hours or a certain commitment from the consultant on the number of hours each month or each quarter. This is typical of support activities wherein there’s a Salesforce implementation currently in place and the consultant is supporting the user base. 

Then there is what I call the Outsourced development model and this is where the consultant is working on very detailed specifications that are gotten from the client, on a Salesforce feature to be added, or a Salesforce module to be added and after the work is done the consultant team throws back the solution back over the wall to the client for testing and adoption.

In contrast to these above models,  our engagement models with our clients are ones where there is joint ownership of the outcomes and once where there we’ve had a chance to work with our client stakeholders on jointly scoping the effort and we’ve had an opportunity to give our best professional opinion on how long the implementations would take. 

All of the rave reviews that we have gotten from our clients we believe a large part of it has to do with the fact that right up front there is a clear scope, expectations, and timelines that have been set in place and we are jointly working together on realizing that.

Anil Nair
Anil Nair
Anil is a Managing Principal at Varasi. He shares thoughts and insights that help blend technical knowledge with business acumen to build great customer solutions. Anil is passionate about simple ways to achieve customer delight that are easy to understand but difficult to implement.