Requirements gathering sessions

While the mix of sessions, duration and attendees will be tailored for each situation, here are some considerations for your requirements gathering interviews and group sessions:

  • Plan session duration of not more than 60-90 minutes each unless these are conducted as group workshops
  • Prepare a set of guiding questions for each session that will form the basis for the discussions. Ask open ended questions, and ask the interviewees to expand on opinions.
  • The facilitator’s primary responsibility is making the atmosphere non-threatening for all participants. Invite opinions on your assumptions
  • Consider having interviewees from multiple business units for each session. The ideal interviewees would be those that are most familiar with the business processes and can orient you to the requirements for the Salesforce system being designed, while describing current practices in the same breath.
  • These sessions are also a good opportunity for you to identify your candidate ‘super users’. In later project phases, these are the champions for the solution being built.
Ramana Metlapalli
Ramana Metlapalli
Ramana is a Managing Principal at Varasi. Ramana is a lifelong learner and eternally curious about what goes into making some individuals and organizations, high performance ones. He writes about Business Analysis, Salesforce best practices and the world of Consulting.