The impact of CRM strategy workshops

For all clients, whether kicking off a CRM initiative for the first time, or for those recalibrating their current initiatives, we advise a 1-2 day planning and roadmapping workshop that includes stakeholders representing all touch points with the customer. Such workshops are important for the following reasons:

  • Orienting the multiple stakeholders to the common ‘language of CRM’, intended outcomes and benefits. For them to contribute resources during and after implementation, enlisting their support early on pays off.
  • Identifying the right requirements and setting critical directions early on for your Salesforce CRM initiatives. A short period of intense and deep work often yields orders of magnitude greater results than an equivalent amount of work spread over a long period
  • The collective wisdom of a group is far greater than the sum of the individual wisdom of its members. Getting the requirements of all front end stakeholders managing the various touch points with customers is critical for project success. You may choose to sequence building out capabilities, but the big picture and roadmap needs to be all inclusive
Ramana Metlapalli
Ramana Metlapalli
Ramana is a Managing Principal at Varasi. Ramana is a lifelong learner and eternally curious about what goes into making some individuals and organizations, high performance ones. He writes about Business Analysis, Salesforce best practices and the world of Consulting.